Real Audio/Video is included free with all sites. You may enable support from the "Applications" feature of your SiteMadeEasy Web Control Panel ( The first step is the audio or video file which has an extension of .ra (RealAudio) or .rm (RealMedia). You create this file from your audio or video source using the RealEncoder or RealProducer. The second step is creating the metafile with the extension .ram. The ram metafile is simply a text file containing a special URL telling the Real server to send your audio or video clip to the browser. The call for our hosting servers is as follows: rtsp:// The clip will either be a .rm or .ra depending on the media type. If you want to automatically play several video or audio files one after another, list each file on a separate line in the metafile: rtsp:// Upload your .ram and .ra or .rm files to the /realaudio sub directory in your web directory. When you FTP these files it is important that the .ram files be transferred in ASCII mode and the .ra or .rm files be sent in BINARY mode. RTSP, or Real-Time Streaming Protocol, is a protocol developed by Real Networks. Just as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the best protocol for transferring large files, RTSP is the best protocol for streaming multimedia applications.
Updated: 03/02/03
There is also an extensive online manual available. 888-404-HOST (toll-free US/PR/VI/GU), 706-897-4743