Webmaster Resources
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HTML Authoring
Multimedia Production
Creating Web Graphics
CGI/Perl Scripts and Resources
We recommend these guys - excellent work at great prices.
- The CGI Resource Index
Hundreds of free scripts and excellent references.
- Extropia's Public Domain CGI Scripts
Many excellent free scripts including a database, calendar, authentication, bulletin board, classified ads, environment variable tester, guestbook, search, online shopping, chat, more.
- Free cgi scripts, web programs and software
Free scripts: footer, postcard, mailfile, banner wheel, referer counter, text counter, random quote, chat, voting, picture frame, quick links, renamer, form processor.
- ScriptSearch.com
The LARGEST CGI and Script resource on the Net. CGI, Perl, Tcl, Unix shell scripts and more.
- WebReference's CGI Link Page
More links than you can shake a stick at; similar to this page, different links.
- Dansie Shopping Cart
If you know your HTML and can use FTP, you can use this shopping cart with ease!
- Matt's CGI Script Archive
What can we say about Matt? His site has been a hit for several years now, with many free CGI scripts, including the famous WWWBoard!
- www.perl.com
This is the definitive source for Perl. Features scripts, news, and more.
- The CGI Book Web Site
The official site for The CGI Book.
- CounterGuide.Com
This is the place to go when it comes to Web page counters. Java, CGI, Hosted Counters, and more.
- Information on writing servers and gateways
This is the W3C's Guide to writing to the Cern HTTPD.
- Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Specifications
This document describes CGI, along with examples and links.
- NCSA httpd CGI
This is the Guide to NCSA httpd CGI Configuration.
- CGI Scripts from NCSA
This takes directly to a directory listing of NCSA CGI files.
- HTTP-WG archive
Just as it says, the HTTP-WG Mailing List Archives.
- How To Do Forms
Straight-forward guide to using Perl for form-handling.
Java & JavaScript
- JavaScript Tip of the Week
Regularly updated javascript tips and tricks.
- Timothy's JavaScript Examples
An extensive collection of free JavaScript code.
- Gamelan
Reference code repository for Java, JavaScript, and VRMLScrible, and highly customizable Open Source (free) bulletin board package. You can easily add a forum to your site.
- Search Engine Promotion
Links to the submission screens for the top search engines that accept free submissions in terms of the traffic they send to other web sites.
- Submit It
Submit It! to quickly, accurately, and easily submit your URL to over 15 catalogs on the Web.
- Controlling Search Engine Robots
How to control the search engine robots that visit your site.
- Pay per click search engines
If you need quicker results, consider some of the "pay-per-click" services,
where you pay a certain amount for each person that comes to your site by clicking on your listing. This site explains and reviews them.
- Pay Per Click Analyst
Another site that explains and reviews pay per click search engines.
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