u = the file's user (you) | r = read access |
g = the file's group | x = execute access |
o = others | w = write access |
a = the user, the group, and others |
To change permissions for a file named filename.cgi,
you need to chmod the file (change mode). For example, when you type this:
chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx filename.cgi
you've given:
read, execute, and write access
to the user (that's you)
read and execute access to the
group and
read and execute access to others
Some scripts will tell you to chmod 775 (for example). Doing the above is the same thing as typing chmod 775. You can use either method with our Unix servers. Let me explain:
When using the numeric system, the code for permissions
is as follows:
r = 4 w = 2 x = 1 rwx = 7
The first 7 of our chmod775 tells Unix to change the
user's permissions to rxw (because r=4 + w=2 + x=1 adds up to 7. The second
7 applies to the group, and the last number 5, refers to others (4+1=5).
When doing an ls -l on the file, telnet always shows
the permissions this way:
Ignore the first dash, then break up the above
into three groups of letters. If there's a dash where a letter should be,
it means that there is no permission for those people.
Remember: the first 3 apply to user, the second
3 apply to group, and the third 3 apply to others.
Changing Permissions With WS FTP
Changing Permissions With Fetch
Changing Permissions With Site Manager